FDA Compliance Monitor

May 30, 2017 marked the first compliance date for the FDA FSMA rule on Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP). One part of program is that FSVP importers must monitor and document the compliance of each of their suppliers; verify that food imported into the US has been produced in a manner that meets applicable US safety standards.
Recently, importers have begun receiving notices from FDA in regard to FSVP Inspection requirements. Email notices with the subject line “FSVP Inspection Requirements Handout & Law” have been sent out by FDA.  This is to notify importers that they (FDA) intend to inspect them for compliance under the FSVP rule. Don’t get left behind, make sure you are in compliance with FSVP today!

Though some products may have a later compliance date for FSVP, we strongly urge importers to get started on their FSVP for FDA compliance now.

Registrar Corp, a company founded in 2003 to help businesses comply with FDA regulations, created a tool to help importers to monitor their suppliers, FDA Compliance Monitor!
The FDA Compliance Monitor aggregates data from numerous FDA databases in which makes it easy to monitor your suppliers in one place. Users can monitor companies for FDA Import Alerts and Import Refusals. Users Can:

  • Comply with new FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) monitoring and documenting requirements.
  • Automated supplier checks minimize the risk of costly and unexpected delays and detentions.
  • Adding multiple recipients to compliance updates assures immediate action as soon as problems arise.
  • A centralized list of suppliers showing their current compliance status allows for improved supplier control and communication between buyers and quality assurance departments.

Features Include:

  •  Email Updates: Users are e-mailed anytime a change occurs in the compliance status of a facility they are monitoring.
  • Printable Reports: Easily document the compliance history of suppliers as required by FSMA.
  • 24-Hour Live Help: Online live help is available to answer questions and assist with any problems
  • Sign Up Now for try a 60-day free trial at: https://www.fdamonitor.com/


Helpful Links:

FSMA Final Rule on FSVP: https://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/FSMA/ucm361902.htm

FSVP Compliance Dates: https://www.fda.gov/Food/GuidanceRegulation/FSMA/ucm503822.htm

Registrar Corp